Este post va dedicado a tod@s l@s
que sufráis de acné o tengáis la piel muy grasa, que normalmente va unido.
Aunque nos quieran engañar, este
problema no tiene edad ni tratamiento permanente que funcione. Por ello nos
tenemos que cuidar la piel siempre de forma constante y con mucha atención, con
productos especiales para contrarrestarlo.
Como una de nosotras tiene mucha
experiencia con este tipo de dermocosméticos, os queremos mostrar los
En primer lugar los limpiadores que
más funcionan:
This post has been done to all of you who have the problem of acne or have oily skin, something related in many cases.
Although it is said, this problem does not understand of ages and there is not a permanent solution.For this reason, we always have to take care of our skin with special products to minimise this problem.
As one of us has a lot of experience with this type of skin cosmetics, we want to show you the infallible ones.
First of all, the best cleansers:
This post has been done to all of you who have the problem of acne or have oily skin, something related in many cases.
Although it is said, this problem does not understand of ages and there is not a permanent solution.For this reason, we always have to take care of our skin with special products to minimise this problem.
As one of us has a lot of experience with this type of skin cosmetics, we want to show you the infallible ones.
First of all, the best cleansers:
El set de 3 pasos de Clinique para
pieles muy grasas, contiene gel, tónico y crema hidratante, todo por 30€.
3-step set by Clinique for oily skin, it contains soap, lotion and moisturizing gel.
3-step set by Clinique for oily skin, it contains soap, lotion and moisturizing gel.
Si tenéis la piel sensible, además de grasa y con acné, puede que con estos productos se os reseque un poco la piel, ya que tienen un efecto muy secante contra la grasa. Para evitarlo podéis usar el siguiente producto, que es una loción limpiadora para pieles sensibles, se vende en farmacias.
If you have sensitive skin, besides oil and acne, these products can dry your skin too much sometimes. To avoid this, you can use the following product, a cleansing lotion sold in pharmacies.
If you have sensitive skin, besides oil and acne, these products can dry your skin too much sometimes. To avoid this, you can use the following product, a cleansing lotion sold in pharmacies.
Tras esta limpiadora podéis usar la solución de Bioderma, como tónico acuoso, que deja la piel matificada y muy fresca.
After this product you can use the Bioderma solution, a non-foam non-rinse cleanser that leaves your skin matt and fresh.
After this product you can use the Bioderma solution, a non-foam non-rinse cleanser that leaves your skin matt and fresh.
Sébium H2O 250ml, 14€.
El mayor descubrimiento ha sido la crema matificante de la misma gama de Bioderma, que se aplica antes de la crema hidratante o antes del maquillaje. Deja la piel aterciopelada y mate durante horas. Ningún otro producto ha conseguido este efecto tan agradable durante tanto tiempo.
The biggest discovery we did recently is this matifying gel, also by Bioderma, to apply it before the moisturizing gel or before the foundation. It leaves your skin silky and matt for hours. no other product achieved this so-pleasant effect during so long.
The biggest discovery we did recently is this matifying gel, also by Bioderma, to apply it before the moisturizing gel or before the foundation. It leaves your skin silky and matt for hours. no other product achieved this so-pleasant effect during so long.
Sébium pore refiner por 18€. Una
vez lo pruebes no podrás vivir sin él.
Sébium pore refiner (18€) Once you test it, you could not live without it anymore!
Sébium pore refiner (18€) Once you test it, you could not live without it anymore!
Si después de probar estos productos infalibles, aún te sale algún granito, te recomendamos un secante localizado.
If you continue having acne after all these products, we recommend a dryer for zone to treat.
If you continue having acne after all these products, we recommend a dryer for zone to treat.
Oliderm de Apliderm, de 100ml por 10€. Vale la pena comprarlo en grandes cantidades como este si sabes que lo vas a usar porque, después de probar todas las marcas de farmacia y de cosmética posibles, no hay otro mejor. Es desinfectante y se aplica en el granito directamente.
Oliderm by Apliderm, (10€, 100ml) It is worthy to buy it big if you know that you will use it because after having been testing all the pharmacy products and lots of cosmetic brands, there is no other as good as this one. You apply it directly on the blemish and it disinfects it fastly.
Oliderm by Apliderm, (10€, 100ml) It is worthy to buy it big if you know that you will use it because after having been testing all the pharmacy products and lots of cosmetic brands, there is no other as good as this one. You apply it directly on the blemish and it disinfects it fastly.
Y tras estos productos de limpieza,
os queremos mostrar otros para tener mejor aspecto dirigido a este tipo de
And after there cleansing products, we want to show you other ones to have a beauty skin.
And after there cleansing products, we want to show you other ones to have a beauty skin.
Antiojeras contra la fatiga de
Clarins de 20ml por 30€. Su precio lo vale, pues deja un frescor y el efecto es
inmediato, afina las arruguitas de cansancio y es totalmente acuoso, sin dar
pesadez al ojo, que para las que llevamos lentillas, sabemos muy bien lo
importante que es.
Eye revive by Clarins (30€, 20ml). It is worth its price, because you feel the fresh effect at the moment, it tightens and is liquid. Perfect for your eyes and for those who wear contact lens.
Eye revive by Clarins (30€, 20ml). It is worth its price, because you feel the fresh effect at the moment, it tightens and is liquid. Perfect for your eyes and for those who wear contact lens.
También te mostramos productos de base de maquillaje que ayudan a alargar el efecto matificante y luchan contra el acné:
The following products are foundations to mantain the matt effect and also are anti-blemish solutions.
The following products are foundations to mantain the matt effect and also are anti-blemish solutions.
Maquillaje de Clinique antigranos
por 30€. Además de disimularlos, trata los granitos mientras lo llevas puesto.
Anti-blemish foundation by Clinique (30€). It helps to cover them and reduces them when you have the make-up on.
Anti-blemish foundation by Clinique (30€). It helps to cover them and reduces them when you have the make-up on.
Polvos compactos de Babor por 42€. Descubrimos esta marca el año pasado y nos hemos enamorado. Gamas de maquillaje y dermatología muy completas y de calidad. La recomendamos 100%.
Pressed powder make-up by Babor (42€). We discovered this brand last year and we fell in love with it instantly. Wide range of make-up and cosmetics of high quality. 100% recommended.
Pressed powder make-up by Babor (42€). We discovered this brand last year and we fell in love with it instantly. Wide range of make-up and cosmetics of high quality. 100% recommended.
Entre estos seleccionados, esperamos que nos digáis qué productos os gustan más si los habéis probado o nos informéis sobre otros que os funcionen a vosotras.
These are all the selected products, we hope you tell us your experience with the products you like, if you have ever tried some of these or tell us about the ones that you use and love.
These are all the selected products, we hope you tell us your experience with the products you like, if you have ever tried some of these or tell us about the ones that you use and love.
Babor es una firma alemana que no solo tiene linea de color de una gama muy alta de calidad y un precio muy razonable sino tambien tiene productos para el rostro desde acne asta anti-agin de un precio razonable hasta de una calidad super alta .
ResponderEliminarEstamos de acuerdo. Nos encanta! Gracias por tu comentario. Te animamos a continuar leyendo nuestro blog. Un abrazo
ResponderEliminarYo tengo la piel supersensible y seca y hasta que no he probado guerlain no se he mejorado.
ResponderEliminarTe invito a participar en un sorteo muy especial.
Os sigo.
Gracias por seguirnos! Pronto dedicaremos un post a pieles secas.
EliminarNos ha encantado tu sorteo. Te seguimos.